Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

So dear readers, I must apologize for my extended absence. It has been a very hectic few weeks and although i have really wanted to, I haven't had the chance to blog. It's been filled with some ups and downs but here it goes.

The Good

A couple weekends ago was extra special with Jake and I going to Auntie Z's for Wally's birthday. Although we were only there for the night it included lots of love and fun which also included E-ve.

Also picked up some more comics including the hardcover Mon-el trade. I decided that I couldn't wait for the paperback. Very good story bringing one of my favorite characters in the the pages of Superman. The phantom zone mysteriously begins disappearing Mon-el tells Superman that he'd rather die of his lead poisoning next to him than vanish in the phantom zone. After Superman pulls him out he notices a mysterious vile telling Mon-el to drink it. He does as a last ditch effort and he is miraculously cured. Once he leaves for New Krypton he entrusts Mon-el to take his place. There is so much more to it so I highly encourage you to pick it up.

The Bad

Well I had a little incident with my driver's license that left me in the passenger seat for almost two weeks. Now don't be silly and think it had anything to do with alcohol. I would never do that. No it just involved an unpaid fine that was previously taken care of.

Now it only took so long to take care of it because right after that a very loved and respected colleague of mine passed away due to a massive stroke. I was one of the Pall Bearers which is as scary as much it is an honour. The Service was beautiful and his family was very happy with the Pall Bearers.

The Ugly

Well if you ask Jake, Forest Whitiker.

Well Folks that's all for today!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Best. Episode. Ever.

So first before I get too far, I would like to give Jake and Wally a Spoiler Alert with regards to the Absolute Justice episode of Smallville. Now before I get to far into the review, I want to share my view of Smallville for the readers. Many of you know that I am a huge fan of Superman. It borders on obsession. Jake and Wally will tell that it is and I secretly agree. Ok I admit it is an obsession. You might be confused as to why a huge Superman fan is also a huge fan of a show based on his favorite character ever which is filled with inconsitancies of the Superman canon. I realize those and have accepted the show for what it is. A new telling of his origin, aimed at heavily pop-cultured generation. They need to use widely familiar charaters to keep interest in the show. I get it. Anyways here it goes:

*******Spoiler Alert********

Friday was a huge event for Smallville fans, with the airing of the Absolute Justice episode. It was a two hour event guest starring characters from the Justice Sosciety of America. Which JSA characters do you ask? Well, it was heavily centered around Hawkman, Dr. Fate and Star Girl but we also got glimpses of Sandman and Star Spangled Kid. Very exciting. Getting to see these iconic characters on TV.

Someone is killing JSA members with an icy tocuh. In the opening we see a meeting between Chloe and the Star Spangled Kid. He tells here he knows she's trying to get a team together and he's trying to re-unite his. Chloe only gets a bit of a confusing conversation before Star Spangled Kid throws her into a dumpster to protect her from an icy blast. After the icy battle concludes Chloe opens the dumpster to find a dead Star Spangled Kid with icy holes in his chest.

After some investigation, and some brief encounters with each other we see meetings between the alter egos of our heroes , Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Star Girl, meeting with Clark, Ollie, Chloe and John Jones, or if you prefer J'onn J'onzz.

The JSA and the early formings of the Justice Leage initially clash as Chloe's digital digging finds reports on all of the JSA mbrs being criminally charged. We get to see glimpses of Alan Scott, Jay Garrick and a few other iconic JSA characters. We even get to see parts of Hawkgirl, Green Lantern and Flash 's uniforms.

Once Carter Hall reveals they were all set up after they wouldn't unmask and work for the government, the teams realize that they need to work together to stop Icicle, who is the one who killed Star Spangled Kid and Sandman. But it is not the original Icicle. His son, who is working for Pamela Grier and Checkmate, has a personal agenda by getting revenge for the JSA putting his father into a vegitative state after a brutal battle that left Hawkgirl dead. Pamela Grier was an excellant choice to fill the role of this character. Also very exciting.

Here was the most exciting part of the episode for me. Dr. Fate touches Clark and we get to see his vision. The screen is flowing with red and then we see a glimpse of the "S" shield and realize it is Superman's Cape. I was in need of a towel after this scene.

One of my other favorite parts is getting to see a very brief shot of J'onn's martian form. Big fan of that.

The teams eventually work together to win the day and they all learns some valuable lessons.

Once you watch the episode you will realize I left out a lot of details. I only wanted to give you a taste to encourage you to watch this episode.

*****End of Spoliers******

There you have it. I realize this has been a long one but I still hope you enjoyed.

One more thing before I finish this edition. Since the begining of my quit smoking effort i have only smoked 11 cigarettes. Pretty good for a pack a day smoker. I am also happy to tell you that Saturday was my first completely smoke free day :)

Time to sign off.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 3

Welcome dear readers to Day 3. So in the past few days, i have had 4 and a half cigarettes. I am quite proud of myself since I was pretty close to a pack a day. I have been using nicorette gum to supplement my cravings. Friday i have an appointment with Day Job's quit smoking program and my benefits will cover my cessation aids. I think I am doing well so far.

In other big news, I went to the Comic Book Shoppe after work on Monday to start my new sub there. You see for a little while i haven't been able to afford my comic book hobby. Now that I can again i am very excited. I am getting, of course, the Superman titles including Supergirl. As well as JSA, JSA All Stars, JLA,Green Lantern, and GL Corps. When I went to pick up my first sub today, I also added Green Arrow and Booster Gold. Can't Forget them.

I look forward to making some blog reviews after i read them.

Anticipating the Abosolute Justice episode of Smallville this week. :)

Well Chinese Food is here so I'm gonna enjoy it and then head out for an evening of karaoke.