Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hello again, faithful readers. Meant to get here earlier this week but life got in the way so welcome to Saturday. Well it has been a rather uneventful week minus Thursdays trip to the hospital. Don't worry, your dear editor in chief didn't injure himself again. Well not really.

You see for quite some time i have had an ingrown to nail bothering me. Ya i know its gross but I feel like sharing. Don't worry if you decided to skip this paragraph, I won't be offended. Thursday I went in for the procedure. I was very pleased with the doctor. He layed out the options for me, explaining each very well. It was his decision but it still made me happy that he included me in the process. I do have to say that the block freezing of my toe was the most painful part of the whole process.

Enough gross stuff.

I despise the song Don't Stop Believing. There i said it.

February is just around the corner and that means two things. Wally's birthday is coming up and I'm excited. Been a while since I've gotten to see him. Hopefully Jake will be able to join us because its always a blast when the three of us unite. I will also get to see E-ve and bring her back her Tupperware she bought from Ikea back in May and forgot in my van.

The other thing is that I am going to quit smoking starting on the 1st. Yoshi and Pudding are both joining me which will be very helpful. One of my Day Job co-workers is quitting too so i even have support at work. Be forewarned that it may cause a few angry rants this week due to the nicotine withdrawl.

Big thanks to Yoshi this week. He was my schlepper for a few of my shows. He'd do it without, but i bought him beer for being so helpful. Pudding was a big hand as well over the past few days .

Jake and I are going to babysit my twin niece and nephew tonight and likely watch something out of his bag 0 movies once the settle down for sleepy time.

Well folks, thanks for reading this edition and I will see you next time.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Catch Up

Just a quick little note. Was doing some catching up on Wally's blog and got a warm fuzzy when he linked my second post. Love ya Buddy!

I know I'm a sap. Well gotta run, got some friends heading over soon.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

What a Week!

Well it has been quite the week for your editor in cheif. Day Job has been quite hectic as of late due to the situation in Haiti. But don' t worry faithful readers (actually now that i mention that im not sure how many i have besides Jake and Wally), I am not going anywhere so far. I did however have to make a run to Trenton to drop off some equipment that is going over.

After my migrainy start to the week, I decided to spoil myself a little. I bought a PS3. Now some who know me might think its a little overkill. I have an xbox 360 and my cousin/roomate who i like to call Small Lady, has a Wii. Although i have found a way to justify it to myself lol. You see, i have an 46 inch HD TV and really wanted a Blu Ray player. So i thought i would spend the extra money and get the PS3 since i am gamer. See perfect logic. I don't regret my decision. :)

Also had a visit from a very good friend from Toronto, Heath. He got in while i was on my way back from Trenton. He and Small Lady played some Wii until I returned. Later Yoshi and Wife # 1,( who for now will be called Pudding) joined us and we watched the new episode of Supernatural. It was AWESOME. Wife # 1's name comes from that episode. She isn't too keen on it but i gave her 48hrs to come up with an alternative lol.

Filled in at one of our Friday night Karaoke spots and it was a good night. Spent some time Saturday and today at Day Job too.

Well i'm off to watch another Blu -Ray movie before i head out to host tonight.


oh almost forgot, went to See Legion. It is worth wild to see.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Busy Week!

Well your editor in cheif is back! This week has been quite eventful. As I'm sure you all know, there was an earthquake in Haiti. Day Job was in a frenzy as we were told that we may very well be going to assist the releif efforts there. We do have 6 people prepped to go but they are still in Canada for now. My thoughts go out to them to be safe.

Big thanks to all my friends and family who have expressed their love and concern if i do end up going.

Now last issue I promised to share my thoughts with you on the movie Daybreakers. Well if you are thinking of spending your money to see it in the theatre, it's worth it. I did enjoy the movie. It is a wonderful concept that also stays mostly true to the vampire mythos. Don't worry we don't see any vampires sparkle in the day light. Both Ethan Hawke and William Dafoe have great roles and perform them well. As much as I enjoyed it, I did feel like it was missing something. It seemed to flow too fast and the cure was just a little too easy to find/discover. However, I did like the idea for the cure.

Well nuff said about that. Don't want to give too much away. Some of you may not have seen it yet.

I think I have run out of steam for now.



P.S. I have started watching season 1 of Criminal Minds and I love it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to the Semi-Daily Planet

Well to tell you the truth, this is my first time. Now that I already have your minds in the gutter, let me tell you why we are really here today. But before I do that I have to give a shout out to Jake and Wally. I've been following Wally's blog, for quite sometime. Also I've been anticipating then next post on Jake's blog, (just sayin).

The other day , or Sunday to be exact, I was in a little fit of aggitation. In one of my jobs I am a karaoke host. As fun as it is, there are things that do make it feel like work. That initially was going to be the topic of my blog. But after some discussion with Wally, he made me realize that it shouldn't just be negative. Especially since that is not who I am. Wally is right.

So to avoid becoming one of those angry bloggers, I am just going to be me. I have many interests which include music,movies,comics etc. Mostly I think I may just ramble on about randomness.

When taking a break from writing my first post I actually dozed off. Since I am now at work, I guess that is what I should do. To give you a little taste of whats to come, next entry I will share my thoughts on the movie Daybreakers.

One more thing. You may be wondering who I am. Well if you follow Wallys blog, you know me as Romeo.